“RGBrew: Alchemy of Light” is a puzzle game about changing the alchemical properties of fire to light up the way, affect the way we perceive the world around us and advance through levels. Our playable character has two forms he can transform into, an old man with a silly hat and a 'properly-proportioned' cat that can tranverse through the shadows of the dungeon. 


WASD - move. 

E - Pick-up/drop alchemical element . 

SpaceBar - Throw alchemical element. 

F - transform into cat / human form. 

ESC - Pause Menu


This is a video to show how the game looks like, and how to pass the levels. Unfortunetly, when we tried to export the game, a few things broke, but they are working on editor and we didn't had enough time to fix them.

A game by:

Alexandre “gig” Eusébio

Eusébio “Zebini” Alves

Jacques “J4CQ-UZ1” Joubert

João “UTCyborg” Luís


For the 2024 Pirate Software Game Jam



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(1 edit) (+1)

There is a known issue with rigid bodies not colliding with mesh colliders when building to WebGL, so our potions fall into the void. We are trying to fix this issue.